Texas Instruments introduced the world’s smallest MCU, expanding its comprehensive Arm Cortex-M0+ MSPM0 MCU portfolio. Measuring only 1.38mm2, about the size of a black pepper flake, the wafer ...
Pfiz­er wants a piece of the show­down with the world’s biggest med­i­cine. The New York phar­ma gi­ant — fac­ing an ac­tivist in­vestor, shed­ding mul­ti­ple parts of … ...
This robot, introduced in a paper published in the Journal of Bionic Engineering, is based on piezoelectric materials, a class of materials that generate an electric charge when subjected to ...
A gesture-controlled robotic system using PIC 16F877A microcontroller, sensors, motors, and dual control modes; remotely using Bluetooth and in-parallel with an accelerometer and haptic feedback.