Human rights stand as the great equaliser, a unifying force that transcends borders, cultures, and identities. They bind us ...
Like apartheid-era South African whites, today’s Republicans will need to choose between an accommodation with the coming ...
A Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which was co-chaired by the internationally renowned cleric Archbishop Desmond ...
There are many parallels between apartheid South Africa and Israel today — perhaps a one-state solution is not that far away ...
Mandela’s ideal is still part of the ANC’s programme as it struggles to renew itself and regain people’s trust ...
The South African actor has been speaking out about racial injustice for decades, often in collaboration with the late playwright Athol Fugard. Kunene and the King is Kani's latest project.
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On March 17, 1992, white South Africans voted in a national referendum to end more than 40 years of apartheid. While racial ...
Donald Trump has offered white South Africans asylum in the U.S to protect them from discrimination, he says. A visit to ...
The Gereformeerde Kerk, whose congregants are commonly called ‘Doppers’, has a long history of punching above its weight. Its ...
South Africa needs men and women who live and embody reconciliation and not racial division. I have seen what reconciliation ...
Despite mounting evidence that apartheid was unsustainable, genuine support for majority rule remained limited.