With its "babbling brooks" and "honey-stoned" cottages, the Cotswolds is "storybook England", said The Times. Less than two hours from London, the "photogenic" region spans several counties ...
With its honey-stone villages and manor houses, its rolling landscape of sheep-nibbled hills and its handsome churches, the Cotswolds is heart-tuggingly beautiful. Who wouldn’t want to visit for ...
New images reveal the final touches being added to a country manor house in the Cotswolds, currently under construction by superstar DJ Calvin Harris. The multi-millionaire is crafting his dream ...
The Wonderwall rocker’s fiancée Debbie Gwyther is said to be encouraging him to invest the money in upmarket property that will rise in value in the trendy Cotswolds. Many celebrities own homes ...
Purchased in late 2021, the Cotswolds home has six bedrooms and ... the family released two new photos. One picture shows Sienna, with a red bow in her blonde hair, walking hand-in-hand with ...
While the spa is a bit on the small and simple side, it’s also far more affordable than most Cotswolds stays offering somewhere you can swim and steam. If lake sports are on the agenda ...
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The Cotswolds became an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1966, but these fascinating historic photographs show that it ...