Barry Stein had ignored symptoms that started appearing in 1995. Now he's committed to helping people recognize the signs of ...
While colorectal cancer polyps often have no symptoms—especially in the early stages—there are some warning signs to be on ...
Colorectal cancer is becoming a significant public health issue in India, especially among individuals under 50 years old.
While colon cancer has traditionally been associated with older adults, recent data reveals an alarming trend: cases are ...
The NHS doesn’t offer bowel screening until we’re 50. Yet with cancer rates rising, it may be worth forking out for a private ...
Emily King of Mobile, Alabama, was diagnosed with colon cancer five years ago at the age of 27. She had experienced some diarrhea, abdominal pain and anemia, but having cancer had never entered ...
Her advice: “If you have any of these symptoms ... People with colon cancer can also feel tired due to blood loss from polyps or tumors bleeding into the digestive tract, potentially leading ...