Nick Colquhoun was acting on adrenaline when he plunged in with wire cutters to free a prized stud bull caught in barbed wire as the floodwaters rose.
The chance to make money from sequestering carbon in soil is what puts Australian farmers well ahead of their counterparts around the world in the climate change mitigation space, the makers of ...
Millenkamp Cattle would also be required to sell off two Idaho properties totaling roughly 1,000 acres in Twin Falls and Jerome counties for approximately $20 million, which represents a “small ...
not making a single 'moo' or sound until the ceremony was over," the wedding photographer explained on Instagram Brittany Niehaus Photography A herd of cattle crashed a couple's intimate wedding ...
Cattle producers on Prince Edward Island can now take advantage of incentives from a new provincial program to expand their herds. It's called Grow the Herd and offers incentives to producers ...
In a province plagued by wildfires each summer, the quest for tree management is ongoing and one man says cattle shouldn’t be ruled out. The point was raised in the latest Greater Vernon ...
The surveys aimed to monitor shifts in producer understanding and adoption of genetic technologies, as well as the prevalence of Angus cattle in the industry over time. As reported in 2020, post the ...
Perhaps that's why Australia's cattle industry is quietly confident of having another strong year of beef exports to the US. Last year Australia exported a record 1.34 million tonnes of beef ...
Although the cattle are asymptomatic, testing confirmed the diagnosis. "Every dairy in Arizona has been tested at least once since January. Thus far, only a sample from this dairy has tested ...
"[Also] you may only muster [cattle] a couple of times a year, and it's important to have eyes on your herd all the time and be able to see when cows are calving." As part of the trial, trailers ...
Nuts are often lauded as a healthy addition to our diets, particularly in the form of snacks between meals – but which varieties rule the roost when it comes to the impact on our bodies and ...