The U.S. still has a major case of French bulldog fever, but a very different breed is staunchly chasing dog lovers' hearts, according to American Kennel Club statistics released Wednesday. For the ...
The American Kennel Club list noted the Cane Corso as a dog breed to watch, because it moved up the list from 47th in 2014 to ...
French bulldogs remain America’s most popular purebred dog, but the cane corso is quickly gaining ground, climbing from 50th ...
The French bulldog is America’s most popular dog breed for the third year in a row, according to the American Kennel Club.
Big, strong and athletic, the cane corso (pronounced KAH'-neh KOHR'-so ... The next-newest, the bracco Italiano, sprang last year from 152nd to 132nd, and some longtime aficionados already ...
The can-do cane corso If a Frenchie is sometimes described ... The next-newest, the bracco Italiano, sprang last year from 152nd to 132nd, and some longtime aficionados already are concerned ...