Danny Noble, 55, who already served time for stealing houses, is now charged with stealing the same $2 million Brooklyn ...
Police officers shot a man in Brooklyn Friday evening ... but that was not immediately confirmed. ©2025 New York Daily News. Visit nydailynews.com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
CANARSIE — A 50-YEAR-OLD MAN was critically injured after being shot by police in Canarsie Friday night, following reports of gunfire near East 80th Street and Flatlands Avenue, according to ABC ...
A 54-year-old man was shot once in the groin by the pair, who were on old-school kick scooters, on Dec. 5 around noon near ...
The nonprofit group the Flossy Org is looking for funding to build a community center in Canarise, a neighborhood that is ...
To Michael Hirsch, the desecration of hundreds of graves was a shanda, a shame, a ghoulish crime. He wanted to do something ...
Three suspects have been stealing drivers’ phones and using them to transfer themselves at least $37,000 in cash, according ...
Our law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every day.  Sadly, some of them don’t make it home to their families ...