Buddha reminds us that hatred does not cease ... we can live a fuller and more meaningful life.
Buddha’s philosophy is all about keeping things simple and peaceful. He propagated that real happiness does not come from ...
This is an important period in the Buddha's life. It symbolizes his sharing of the knowledge he gained during his enlightenment. In the statue pose, Buddha shares this knowledge with his disciples.
Here is one of his most important and famous teachings. Buddha said that there are two things to remember in life: Take care of your thoughts when you are alone. Take care of your words when you ...
Feng Shui says that one should always give a Laughing Buddha to other people, in the honest hope that the receiver's life is ...
The pieces of a disarticulated statue of Buddha have been reunited nearly a century after the first piece was found at the Ta ...
Well, because Gautam Buddha had found the secrets of life by discovering the harsh realities of life. He had his ego completely annihilated and found the beauty of present moments. To be calm and ...
Does it imply a life devoid of pain, trials, or tragedy? Does it mean the universe will conspire in your favor while others who are not enlightened face adversity? The Buddha was not naive ...
He became known as the Buddha, which means 'enlightened'. Siddhattha Gotama was a prince who lived a life of luxury. When he was 29, Siddhattha went outside his palace and saw people suffering for ...
Themes: Buddhism; the life of the Buddha; the festivals of Wesak and Parinirvana Day; the Eightfold Path. Summary: this assembly is suitable at about the time of the festivals of Wesak (April or ...