Apesar de ser uma má notícia para o meio ambiente, há um tipo de cientista que acaba tendo benefícios com isso: são os arqueólogos, que encontram cada vez mais objetos no gelo descongelado ...
Here are the lyrics to GELO's Lil Wayne remix of "Tweaker." By Rania Aniftos GELO was already climbing the charts with his breakthrough hit, “Tweaker,” but the song got even more of a boost ...
INGREDIENTES: - 200 ml de leite - 6 cubos de gelo de café - 1 c. de sopa de achocolatado - 1/2 c. de sopa de açúcar - Decorar com chantilly ou calda de chocolate Versão para crianças ...
O estabelecimento passou a fornecer baldes de gelo sob as mesas para que os clientes possam refrescar os pés enquanto comem e bebem. A iniciativa é do Buteco Ovo Frito, um bar familiar comandado ...
While his younger brother LaMelo Ball was one of the biggest snubs from the NBA All-Star Game, the family was still represented thanks to Gelo's performance. Gelo, who recently turned the song ...
LiAngelo took the stage in San Francisco with a musical performance during All-Star Saturday Night under his stage name, GELO. GELO has taken the world by storm with his hit single, "Tweaker," and ...
Many people reacted to his performance on social media. Skip Bayless: "Good for Gelo Ball. He couldn't play basketball the way his younger and older brother can, now he's become a THING in the rap ...
Like I said, pretty wide-ranging. But at the end of the day, he was still the only Ball brother to participate in All-Star Weekend. LaMelo was snubbed from an All-Star Game nod, and Lonzo is ...
Gelo sets it off at NBA All-Star Weekend What would NBA All-Star Weekend in the Bay Area be without a Gelo sighting? Introduced by his brother Lonzo, Gelo brought the vibes to Saturday night ...
Under the stage name GELO, Ball released the song in early January. Since then, it's been all over social media, earning Ball a record deal, some big-stage performances and even a remix with Lil ...
Sob a vasta camada de gelo da Antártida Oriental, a milhares de metros de profundidade, existe uma parte do mundo ainda oculta e repleta de mistérios: o Lago Vostok, o maior dos mais de 400 ...
He’s known as ‘GELO’ in the rap world and his latest track has blown up, becoming a viral sensation after appearing on a popular online stream. Released in January, Tweaker now has ...