Poll Merinos have leaped ahead of their horned, traditional Merino peers in recent years and the popularity trend looks set ...
But on a warm afternoon in December, 77 of these animals were captured near the town of Alpine and hauled back home to build ...
A group of Texan rodeo-goers had seen mutton bustin’ at an event in San Antonio, and, seeing its potential as a fan favorite, formed a task force to pitch the tradition to Houston rodeo executives.
Skydiving, skiing, running, bowling and fundraising were among ‘The San Diego 10s’ challenge to introduce new shorts from ...
As soon as people hear the activation phrase “moving to the country” they will immediately hatch plans for lengthy holidays ...
The national sheep flock has to be shrinking as the mutton kill is now trending at percentage levels that make it impossible ...
AUSTRALIA’S top sheep shearers have reigned supreme over New Zealand in the latest trans-Tasman test event at the Golden Shears in Masterton, New Zealand, on Saturday night...Read More ...
Third was Riverton shearer Casey Bailey, runner-up in his first Golden Shears open final last year, and on Saturday scoring the best quality points in finishing the best of the four southern hopes who ...
Infections caused by the gastrointestinal nematode Haemonchus contortus are one of the main reasons for economic losses in sheep breeding (Miller et al ... Using DECIPHER v2.0 to Analyze Big ...
Merino (a type of sheep) wool and alpaca fleece both come from ... His persistence and the fact that “Cuzco’s not so big” led to success. When he finally stumbled upon the right doorstep ...
A Waikato shearer has become a world record holder after shearing 367 merino ewes in eight hours ... it was just an extra big day at work really." Under World Sheep Shearing Records Society rules, the ...