Stocks of quantum computing companies jumped Wednesday after Microsoft declared this as “the year to become quantum-ready,” adding “we are at the advent of the reliable quantum computing era.” Shares ...
UK researchers used special optical tweezers to attain quantum entanglement of molecules that could unlock multiple ...
Quantum computing promises to solve complex problems exponentially faster than a classical computer, by using the principles ...
Quantum computing promises to solve complex problems exponentially faster than a classical computer, by using the principles ...
The phenomenon of quantum tunneling transforms our understanding of particle behavior, enabling breakthroughs in ...
This year was chosen because it marks the 100th anniversary of Werner Heisenberg’s development of matrix mechanics – the first consistent mathematical description of quantum physics. Our guest in this ...
The implications of Bose’s work extend far beyond theoretical physics. Technologies such as atomic clocks, used in GPS systems, and quantum computers, which promise advanced computation, owe their ...
Earlier this month, Google's quantum computing scientists demonstrated a breakthrough that indicates quantum computing is for real -- and will be able to find its place among other kinds of ...
The working of a quantum computer is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, an area of physics that deals with the smallest particles in the universe. Physicist Richard Feynman proposed the ...
Speaking of ambition, this year saw a remarkable flurry of ideas for using quantum devices and quantum principles to study gravity. One innovative proposal involves looking for the gravitational ...
Quantum computers use a basic unit of information in quantum mechanics ... Could we run into new physics that could prevent us from building a quantum computer? If you read the full Google ...