As many of you may know, the holy month of Ramadan began March 1 and we want to extend our warmest greetings to the residents ...
The Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino invites the community to attend the annual Ramadan Iftar dinner at 6 p.m. today (March 15) at 11941 Ramona Ave. The event is intended to foster peace among neighbors, ...
As many as 36 members of the outlawed Hizb-ut Tahrir group have been arrested in Bangladesh since Friday, Chief Adviser's ...
The recent march by the banned outfit Hizb ut-Tahrir has raised many questions regarding the failure of law enforcement agencies. Unless prompt actions are taken, things may deteriorate ...
Police have launched a nationwide search for the members of the group who took part in the banned rally outside the Baitul Mukarram Mosque in Dhaka, he says ...
Lent is the season during which catechumens make their final preparations to be welcomed into the Church. UCA News is proud ...
The rise of Islamist extremist groups in Bangladesh has taken a dangerous turn following the jihadist coup of August 5, 2024.
Police in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka used tear gas and sound grenades on Friday (March 7) to disperse hundreds of members of ...
Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah, Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Dhaka, admitted that Islamist groups ...
(AP video shot by Al Emrun Garjon) Policemen use batons to disperse supporters of the banned Islamist group Hizbut Tahrir ...
Historically, Zakat was given through central Zakat collection agencies, or “bait-ul-maals.” For example, at the time of the ...
The town centre mosque hosts guests as they break their fasts and share an Iftar meal. Arun District Council approved the plans with conditions largely centred around noise. Mosques council ...