We are “Biellesi per la Palestina libera” (citizens of Biella for a free Palestine) and we are writing these lines to tell ...
The British publisher Tilted Axis specialized in innovative translated literature. It won them major awards. Now they’re ...
Omar El Akkad sees a future in which western intelligentsias will whitewash their past complaisance, but Pankaj Mishra is in ...
The inclusion of a Zionist superhero character in Marvel's latest "Captain America" movie, and the fact that it is played by ...
Brave New World features a controversial comics character, but the character has been altered so much you wonder why they ...
The honour has gone to Breyten Breytenbach, the South African poet, writer and artist who opposed Apartheid and was a political prisoner for many years. The poet will receive the award in an official ...
The States Parties to the present Convention declare that apartheid is a crime against humanity and that inhuman acts resulting from the policies and practices of apartheid and similar policies and ...