Niels Bohr was born and educated in Copenhagen ... They had six sons, one of whom, Aage, followed his father into physics -- and into the ranks of Nobel Prize-winners. Bohr returned to Denmark ...
Eliot Bohr's family's connection to the atomic structure goes deeper than this, too. His grandfather is Aage Niels Bohr, who in 1975 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics along with Ben Roy ...
Niels Bohr was a mentor and companion for two groups ... Bohr’s openness to experience was passed on to the children. Aage, one of Bohr’s sons, who also won a Nobel Prize, shared a thought ...
In 1940, nearly 30 years after Danish physicist Neils Bohr explained how light energy affects the electrons orbiting atomic nuclei, Coleman Instruments produced an instrument to take advantage of this ...