The Delhi High Court on Thursday rejected the appeal moved by Nagar Palika Nokha against an order of a commercial court in an application related to an arbitrariness suit. This matter is related to the execution of the amount of the Arbitration award passed in favour of a company M/s Enviro Infra Engineers Pvt.
A 55-year-old man died after allegedly being hit by an unidentified vehicle near Bangla Sahib Gurdwara in New Delhi area, the police said on Thursday adding that the incident occurred near Gate number 2.
Having unexpectedly won two Indian state votes late last year, in big part due to a slew of handouts, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party is deploying the same playbook in a bid to wrest back Delhi for the first time in nearly three decades next month.
India's Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has struck a positive note on China-India relations, saying on Saturday that the relations have a bearing on the two countries' development prospects and the global order, and India will look at relations with China from a long-term perspective.
Authorities arrested a 32-year-old Canadian man at Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) in New Delhi, India, for being in possession of a baby crocodile’s skull. Dehli Customs shared the news on its X account on January 9.
Chinese Ambassador in New Delhi Xu Feihong who was not able to attend the reception, noted the attendance of representatives from Indian government, political parties, diplomatic corps, enterprises, think tanks and media in a post on X. Chinese New Year of the Snake falls on Jan 29.
Ahead of the Republic Day 2025 parade rehearsals, Central and South Delhi have experienced high traffic congestion in recent days, with hundreds of commuters left trapped on the road for many hours.
The New Delhi constituency, a key battleground in the Delhi Assembly elections, sees nominations from former Delhi Chief Minister and AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal, BJP's Parvesh Verma, and Congress's Sandeep Dikshit.
In the 2020 Delhi Assembly Elections, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate Arvind Kejriwal won the seat with a margin of 21697 votes (28.45%). He was polled 46758 votes with a vote share of 61.01%. He defeated Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Sunil Kumar Yadav.
Signed in 1960, the Indus Waters Treaty sought to ensure equitable water distribution amid growing tensions between India and Pakistan. India was granted unrestricted access to the water from the ‘Eastern Rivers’ — the Sutlej, Beas, and Ravi — and Pakistan retained rights to the waters from the ‘Western Rivers’ Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab.
Indian Railways announces that from January 26, 2025, passengers traveling to Srinagar must change trains at Katra station due to security concerns. T
The former Delhi CM is contesting the elections from the New Delhi seat against the sons of two former Delhi CMs - Congress' Sandeep Dikshit (son of Sheila Dikshit) and BJP's Parvesh Verma (son of Sahib Singh Verma).