"Good Morning America" co-anchor Michael Strahan and his daughter Isabella Strahan open up about her cancer diagnosis in a new documentary.
Molly Pardue, 31, was diagnosed with cervical cancer after demanding a pap smear — and had chemotherapy and other treatments before she would have been due for her next test.
The cost of cancer may be higher than previously estimated, according to a recent report from the American Cancer Society.
A new method for detecting bowel cancer is more than 90% accurate at predicting which higher-risk people will develop the disease, according to research. About 500,000 people in the UK live with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn's and ulcerative colitis.
Some oncologists suggest that, for certain early cancers not at risk of spreading, the term “cancer” should be avoided.
Can pollution cause it? What about inflammation? And how do tumors spread? Here’s what scientists are learning about this complex disease.
When Sharna Matthews found out her lung cancer was terminal, she turned to music to process her feelings. Mrs Matthews, who performs covers with her husband Jim at small venues in West Yorkshire, said recording her own funeral song had helped her to "deal with the hurt" of leaving loved ones behind.
Four in every 10 cancer patients treated with chemotherapy develop severe peripheral nerve pain, a new review suggests.
Michael Strahan’s daughter Isabella shares her brain cancer journey in a new ABC special, 'Life Interrupted: Isabella Strahan’s Fight Against Cancer', airing Feb. 5.
The owner of the Los Angeles Times discusses his fight to cure cancer and why he wants President Donald Trump to succeed in his second term in office.
An accurate new blood test for colon cancer, the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in the US, has been reported.
The Mayo Clinic provides a perspective on 7 ways that individuals can reduce their risk: Eat healthier foods (thereby also reducing the consumption of processed foods) Maintain a healthy body weight and physical activity Prevent excessive sun exposure (to reduce the risk of skin cancer)