A new organisation – the Hannah Mitchell Foundation – has been formed to campaign for elected regional government for the North. The political shape of the United Kingdom is changing rapidly. The ...
117 years ago, my great-great grandad, president of the Amalgamated Society of railway servants (ASRS), sat down in a meeting between the executives of ASRS and the Associated Society of locomotive ...
On two related issues, the Beckett Report and Labour’s overall level of support, there has not been a sufficiently robust response from the left. On Beckett there would appear to be general agreement ...
Up to 4,000 workers at Amazon’s despatch centre at Piacenza in northern Italy will be striking for better pay and conditions on Black Friday. In addition, the workers organised by the unions Tertiary ...
The resignation of a council leader would normally be no biggie. I mean, I’m guessing entirely here, but presumably that happens in towns or cities across Britain several times a year, for one reason ...
Over the last weekend some big names in the medical profession were drummed up to explain to us peasants that the doctors, consultants and specialists recognised that there needed to be wholesale ...
The Tories’ biggest economic claims (there are only two of them) are that they generated a recovery (after 18 months it’s already fading) and that they created a million private sector jobs. The ...
As PASOK suffers the worst defeat in its history, the one thing it still has in common with Syriza is that it too was once elected on a Bennite programme. We reflect on that with the help of Tony Benn ...
Almost everyone, and that includes the IMF and the ECB, now admit that austerity has gone far too far and is now holding back growth. The only exception are the Germans, but even they are now losing ...
Much of the debate about the fast-growing on-demand economy has centred around Uber. Their drivers get paid only when they work and are responsible for their own pensions and health care. Risks borne ...
Since the 1980s, when Thatcher introduced the ‘right to buy’, some two million tenants of council houses/flats have bought their homes, aided by discounts of up to £60,000. The market, however, has ...
As Syriza wins a remarkable victory in Greece on a platform of ending austerity and greater state intervention in the economy, fifteen Labour MPs have today expressed concerns about elements of Labour ...