Attorney General tried to win compensation for Shaker Aamer claiming British officials were present during his torture by CIA ...
Lord Hermer represented Kenyans suing the British government over their torture during the Mau Mau uprising in the 1950s, in a case that left the public facing a £6 million legal bill.
One Labour source raised concerns about a ‘lack of clarity’ from the Attorney General, which has reportedly placed him in the ...
The Attorney General is under fire for refusing to reveal details of payments he has received since becoming a minister, ...
Hermer has been the subject of recent attacks by both the Opposition and his cabinet colleagues, including over the Chagos ...
A SPY who escaped jail by clinging to the underside of a food delivery truck will have his sentence reviewed for being too ...
Lord Hermer has faced questions about how his previous work could result in possible conflicts of interest in his Government ...
Attorney General Lord Hermer heaped praise on Shiner even after the human rights lawyer’s war crime claims against British troops were dismissed by a public inquiry as ‘deliberate lies’.
Lord Glasman, founder of the influential Blue Labour group, said Lord Hermer has ‘got to go’, following warnings that his obsession with the primacy of international law is damaging the ...
Lord Hermer is cut from the same silk as the Starmer of 2015. The human rights law specialists are close personal friends, having practised as colleagues at Doughty Street Chambers in the noughties.
Lord Glasman, founder of the influential Blue Labour group, said Lord Hermer has 'got to go', following warnings his ...
Lord Hermer, the Attorney General and the Prime Minister’s best friend from his barrister days, announced today that, as part of a package of measures to restore the country’s international reputation ...