Believers like Garry Tan are flipping the script in the venture capital world, making faith matter just as much as the ...
Rauch said religion has merged with political and cultural forces, and this politicization has contributed to both the ...
A Christian teacher in the United Kingdom who told her students that identifying as LGBT was a sin has lost a High Court ...
Support for the ideology varies among Hispanic Protestants and Catholics depending on how they identify, a study found.
If we give the state the power to decide which faith must be taught, we also give it the power to decide which faith must be ...
The validity of Christian faith or any other truth claim is neither affirmed nor denied on the basis of who endorses it ...
In nearly every major American city and in many small towns, Christian Science reading rooms are found mixed in with ...
Religion, Racism & Reconciliation is making the rounds as an exploration of America’s relationship between religious identity and racism.
Texas has for years been an incubator for Christian Right policies that are exported to other states or codified into federal ...
Today’s Christian nationalists have shaped their theology in ways that harken to apocalyptic prophets of the1530s.
A Palestinian evangelical Christian leader had earlier spoken, calling the movement ‘a heretical replacement theology that ...