The newly discovered "blazar," which has a mass equal to 700 million suns, is the oldest of its kind ever seen and changes ...
Astronomers have identified a rare cosmic phenomenon: a supermassive black hole, known as J0410−0139, located 12.9 billion ...
Supermassive black holes with powerful jets of high-energy particles, pointing directly at Earth are called blazars.
Astronomers discover a supermassive black hole, weighing 700 million suns, firing a giant energy beam directly at Earth from ...
Astronomers detected X-ray flashes from the black hole that increased in frequency from one every 18 minutes to one every seven minutes.
NASA’s Webb telescope uncovers mysterious "little red dots," pointing to the existence and growth of supermassive black holes ...
Up to 50% of feeding black holes may be hidden behind gas and dust These black holes influence star formation in galaxies Infrared data helped uncover obscured supermassive black holes ...
According to the research shared at the 245th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in National Harbor, Maryland, the ...