By June of 1965, 50,000 American troops had arrived in Vietnam, and by the end of that year, 180,000 Americans were serving there. As American involvement increased abroad, opposition to the war ...
Vietnam was largely fought disproportionately by working-class whites and Blacks and Hispanics, and they were very young. The ...
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Search and Destory From 1965, the American military began a policy of sending soldiers into the jungle and villages of Vietnam to ‘take the war to the enemy’. This often meant soldiers were ...
President Johnson now had effective permission to pursue full war in Vietnam. 8 March 1965, 3500 US marines landed at Da Nang. By 1968, the number of troops was 536,000.
The Vietnam War was the first time the United States provided ... The reality is that of the 8.7 million troops that served in the military between 1965 and 1973, only 1.8 million were drafted ...
To honor those who served, the Veterans Museum Broomfield and the City and County of Broomfield are sponsoring a daylong ...