Some older people in Zimbabwe are taking up exercise wherever they can find the space as non-communicable diseases such as ...
Accepting this reality is the first step towards survival and progress. By embracing innovation, sustainability, and collective action, Zimbabwe can mitigate the worst impacts of climate change and ...
Our research has shown how land reform has driven the growth in small towns, creating new economic linkages in a reconfigured economic geography of the country. No longer are the metropolitan centres ...
Zimbabwe faces economic collapse, political repression, and daily hardship. With hyperinflation and mass unemployment.
JANUARY 31, 2025, remains noticeable for the sold-out and well-attended premiere of the film Dunamis at Ster Kinekor Joina ...
More importantly, urban industrial and residential planners ... indigenous markets like Mbare in Harare, Zimbabwe, demonstrate a creative alternative to the dominant capitalist model which is ...
A knee-height barbed wire fence can easily be hopped over to enter South Africa from Zimbabwe where migrants hope to find a better life but are often forced to live in poverty and face persecution.
Diese Publikation ist in weiteren Sprachen verfügbar Countries in the tropics and global south such as Zimbabwe are experiencing increasing ... at the same time remaining food and income secure is ...
Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) Secretary General, Peter Lam Both, and Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) Politburo Member Simbarashe S. Mumbengegwi commended the ...