Those interested can also take a virtual tour of the ETH halls. Tram no. 6 from "Bahnhofstrasse/HB" (direction Zoo) to stop "ETH/Universitätsspital". Journey time: approx. 6 minutes Tram no. 10 from ...
Invest in a one- or three-day Zürich Card to secure the easiest way to get around. Tram Line 4 is the city’s cultural line, linking some of our most important design and art museums.
Take tram no. 10 (direction Flughafen or Bahnhof Oerlikon) from the "Bahnhofplatz" stop to the "Irchel" stop: journey time 13 minutes. By tram no. 14 (direction Seebach) from stop "Bahnhofplatz" to ...