In 2013, the top 5% of Americans took in more than 22.3% of all income. Here are the 10 poorest states in the union: Poverty rate: 24.1% Mississippi is the poorest state in the US, with 695,915 ...
Check Out: 6 Subtly Genius Moves All Wealthy People Make With Their Money Curious what it would take to broach the upper-middle class income bracket, where it’s easiest, in the poorest states in ...
The Center for American Progress Action Fund has released its 2014 State of the States ... the top 5% of Americans took in more than 22.3% of all income. Mississippi is the poorest state ...
However, in the 19 poorest states, your salary doesn’t have to be nearly that high to be upper-middle class. See whether your current income can get you into that bracket.