According to a recent study old-fashioned names are experiencing a resurgence and research offers a list of names poised to ...
NAMING your little one is a big deal, so why not stack the odds in their favor with a name that’s brimming with good fortune?
Celebrity psychic Inbaal Honigman also gives a deeper insight into the true meaning behind these lucky names. For girls, Iris tops the list of the luckiest baby girl names, with more than 783,000 ...
According to GIGAcalculator’s study, the most popular female royal name in the UK is Amelia. The name became famous after ...
Many royal female names—such as Amelia, Isabella, and Sophia—also appeared on BabyCenter’s list of last year‘s most popular baby names. According to GIGAcalculator’s study, the most ...
Those popular names are apparently also the naughtiest children. Some 1,500 teachers, parents, and children in the United Kingdom were asked to rank the top 20 baby names. Teachers were the fiercest ...