Our battles aren’t just for our national survival. Our enemies pose moral challenges to humanity, and our struggle is to protect the moral fiber of humanity. This was true in Persia, and it is true ...
The gematria of yad (hand) is 14; the day of Adar, when we celebrate Purim; and the Yad of Hashem. The Megillah begins with the verse: “Vayehi bimei Achashverosh—It happened in the days of ...
Hashem appeared to Moshe while alluding to the ... when it begins by Jewish hands, has no way of reversing the inevitable defeat. After the astonishing turn of events in the 127 regions of the ...
At its core, the story of Esther unveils a timeless truth: no matter the trials we endure, our ultimate refuge lies in our faith in G-d, the transcendent force above nature itself, who wields the ...
Our enemies spread lies about Israel, portraying the victim as the aggressor. We must counter these lies with truth, ...
The NYPD leader has spent her career quietly fixing intractable problems — what happens when the biggest one is the mayor?
The International Rambam Celebration Committee has announced the winners of the three raffles for a dollar of the Rebbe.
Despite being forced to flee to Australia to escape Taliban, the Afghanistan women’s cricketers continue to fight to ...
Long Island Shluchim Rabbi Shalom and Rochel Leah Lipszyc, who recently suffered the loss of their 2 month old baby Etty, ...
On the one hand, the Torah states that David could not ... and will be marked by absolute universal peace. When man recognizes Hashem as the True Deity, and subordinates his heart to His Will ...
Maui state harbors facilities include Lahaina Harbor, Māʻalaea Small Boat Harbor, Māla Wharf in Lahaina and the Kīhei Boat ...