Sunk into the earth is a stone directional marker that's intended to help you tell east from west -- but really looks like a piece of Stonehenge that's miraculously appeared along the Platte.
Sarsen stones, often associated with prehistoric ritual sites such as Stonehenge, are scattered across the landscape ... where one stone may mark an ancient pagan site.
Executive transvestite Eddie Izzard takes his show to San Francisco to give a brief history of pagan and Christian religions, the building of Stonehenge, the birth of the Church of England and of ...
Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious and important monuments to have survived from Stone Age Britain. But scientists now believe that the famous Wiltshire stone circle has a secret 'sister ...
Stonehenge gets some well-deserved attention when it comes to British archeology. Between its age, altar stone’s epic journey, and potential origin as a community building initiative, it has a ...
Danish archeologists have uncovered a 4,000-year-old circle of wooden piles that they say could be linked to Britain's world-renowned Stonehenge. The 45 neolithic-era wooden pieces, in a circle ...
Danish archeologists have uncovered a circle of wooden piles dating back to about 2,000 BC that they say could have a 'strong connection' to Britain's world-renowned Stonehenge. The 45 neolithic ...
It has just been revealed that this ancient burial site in Dorset is older than Stonehenge. New research by the University of Exeter and Historic England has redated the Flagstones monument to be ...
The university said the findings suggested Flagstones may have served as a prototype to Stonehenge. Dorset Museum At least four burials were found to have been placed in the site's enclosure pits ...