Toby Hibbitts, Ph.D., instructional assistant professor in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture said the best way to avoid ...
Despite seeking medical help, his family opted for traditional healing methods, during which Mukesh succumbed to the venom.
As the warmer weather settles in, snakes are becoming more active.  Georgia has forty-seven different snake species, seven of ...
Texas A&M AgriLife experts share insights on snake behavior, tips to prevent unnecessary fear of snakes and reduce the risk of a bite.
Breeding snakes in captivity “is doable, not rocket science,” he says, as he offers a virtual tour of the serpentarium, which ...
We may be more likely to see snakes this time of year, as the weather warms. Use this information to make encounters less ...
In Himachal Pradesh, a 10-foot king cobra was spotted and rescued for the first time in Sirmaur district. The giant snake was found in a wheat field, ...
Rajahmundry: A class X student, who was bitten a cobra on Saturday night, sat for his SSC exam on Monday. Nissi, from ...
Patients are being served in mobile clinics following a snake infestation at the KwaNgcolosi Clinic. THE KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health has confirmed that the KwaNgcolosi Clinic, near Hillcrest, ...
Utah has long been thought of as a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. It features a wide range of natural features, from soaring mountain peaks (two dozen of which rise to more than 13,000 feet) to ...
Florence City Council unanimously passed the second and final reading of an ordinance on Monday that bans the ownership of ...
If the person bitten by a snake and is experiencing chest pain, has difficulty breathing or face swelling, or has lost consciousness, call 911 right away. Gently wash the bite area with warm ...