Bratislava, March 6 (TASR) - The opposition wants to drag Slovakia and Europe into a war, said coalition MP Tibor Gaspar (Smer-SD) following Thursday's meeting of the parliamentary committee on Europe ...
Half of the funds allocated to Ukraine from the European Union were stolen. About this before the trip to Prime Minister of ...
Na Slovensko mieri saharský prach, pre ktorý bude znížená viditeľnosť. Ovplyvní to aj počasie, meteorológovia očakávajú teplotné výkyvy.
The way we travel has shifted over the last few years for two major reasons: the pandemic and the tangible effects of climate ...
Bratislava, March 6 (TASR) - The opposition 'Slovakia' party is urging Progressive Slovakia (PS) to withdraw its proposal for a special session on the transaction tax on Thursday, warning that during ...
Global Forecast as of 12:00 GMT Thursday, March 6, 2025 City/Town, Country;Thursday's Weather Condition;Thursday's High Temp (F);Thursday's Low Temp (F);Friday's Weather Condition;Friday's High Temp ...
Global Forecast as of 12:00 GMT Thursday, March 6, 2025 City/Town, Country;Thursday's Weather Condition;Thursday's High Temp (C);Thursday's Low Temp (C);Friday's Weather Condition;Friday's High Temp ...
Tipperary native Sharlene Mawdsley will play a pivotal role in the team, competing in the individual 400m and spearheading the women’s 4x400m relay.
Premiér Fico sa zúčastní rokovania EÚ o obnovení tranzitu plynu cez Ukrajinu a podporí formuláciu v záveroch samitu EÚ.
Viktor Makovski, the military, air, and naval attaché of the Russian Federation in Bucharest, and his deputy, Colonel Evgheni Ignatiev, were expelled for engaging in activities that violate the Vienna ...
EU diplomats are willing to work around Hungary in favour of a strong summit text on Ukraine to send a message to Trump.
Hokejisti Prešova zdolali v záverečnom stretnutí základnej časti Tipos SHL Trnavu 7:1. Líder súťaže po odchode trénera ...