From lemon-flavored cheesecake to peanut butter coffee, these Girl Scout cookie-inspired treats are available this month.
Many wonder when and where you can buy these treats, and time is running out. The deadline to get cookies in Georgia is ...
When you hear "Girl Scout," do cookies come to mind? Next week, March 12, is National Girl Scout Day, which is the perfect excuse to indulge on your favorite Samoas, Thin Mints, Tagalongs ...
Once those tables with green tablecloths hit supermarkets nationwide, we start dreaming about towering stacks of coconut-flecked Samoas. Or are they Caramel DeLites? (Wondering why some cookies ...
Girl Scout cookie season is here, and booths are popping up nationwide. “Cookie season is going on now — it will currently go ...
It also sells pastries from Flour & Flower Bakery and has a special menu, with items like a Samoa cookie latte, based on the popular Girl Scouts cookie. The Samoa latte is sweet and comes in both ...