In a world that feels in­creas­ing­ly frag­ment­ed, the writ­ten word re­mains one of the most pow­er­ful means of con­nec­tion, ca­pa­ble of cross­ing bor­ders, bridg­ing cul­tures, and ...
Two other terrible events involving Israel: February 1994: Baruch Goldstein’s heinous 

 slaughter of some 30 Muslim worshipers in Hebron. And in 1973 – Israeli fighter planes accidentally shot down ...
The Jane Austen multiverse finds yet another way to obsess about the nineteenth century novelist. Here's how to watch "Miss Austen" online, on TV and from anywhere in the world.
In Deepa Mehta’s screen adaptation of Salman Rushdie’s epic novel Midnight’s Children, Darsheel Safary got his second chance ...