Dr Philippa Kaye explained this better view of the retina can help experts detect 'signs of conditions like eye tumours, high ...
Boots Opticians has officially launched the Optos optomap in its practices, with the technology soon to be available in more ...
Hidden warning signs of serious health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure could be lying undetected in your eyes. However, a pioneering test now available at Boots might offer individuals a ...
Optomap allows optometrists to capture 82% of the retina in a single image, which grows to 97% when montaged. Previously traditional retinal scans could only capture 15% of the retina. The sensitive ...
The optomap is designed to show optometrists over 80 per cent more of the retina, at the back of the eye, than a normal eye test. And without the need for dilating drops or any discomfort ...
retinal detachment, hereditary ocular disease and autoimmune disease. Robert Rapier, a patient who was diagnosed with a large melanoma by an optomap scan said: 'I didn't have any visible symptoms ...
The scan, called an optomap, is being rolled out across more than 120 Boots stores, marking the first time this type of technology is widely available to the public.