100 Food Jokes For Kids Here are a few funny one-liners pertaining to food that kids would love to hear and share with their buddies and enjoy. 1. What kind of nuts always seem to have a cold ...
Looking for corny one-liners on food, coffee and animals? No prob-llama. We've got you covered with these funny puns. Dare we say they're eggs-actly what you need should the situation call for a ...
Looking for puns about food? Animals? Science? Crafts? Nature? We have all of those topics covered and more, all sure to have your loved ones laughing. And now for that list of Valentine's Day puns!
Do you know what’s been making me smile lately? Going through my ridiculously huge collection of food puns (444 and still growing—help! I can’t stop!) and picking out the absolute cutest ...
Funny puns are like cookies — it's impossible to stop after just one. In fact, once you get started, it's easy to just keep telling them. Lucky for you, we've gathered a collection of bad jokes ...
If you’re going for a movie theme, then nothing about an Oscars-party menu will make sense because you’ve got to work backwards from the food names; the point is the pun, and the food is just ...