Maná will celebrate their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nomination with a 30-date North American 'Vivir Sin Aire Tour' this fall ...
There are seven deadly sins, but one of them is a bigger problem than the others in Massachusetts, a new study says.
In order to pray BOLD prayers, you’ve got to be willing to ask God to search you, break you and send you. It’s in those times ...
With families and alumni making the trip year after year, the excitement and passion for their team are stronger than ever as ...
Scripture teaches us that pride is a sin that separates us from God. Instead, do justice, love kindness and walk humbly. Getty Images I was 15 when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, sparking the ...
Let’s start by defining “pride” and then review two well-known stories from Genesis that illustrate the concept. Surely, you have heard the phrase “The sin of pride.” And, like all sins ...
We should work to practice other habits or virtues that will replace it, to follow the instruction of the Catechism of the ...
Q. 295. {59} Which are the chief sources of sin? A. The chief sources of sin are seven: Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy, and Sloth, and they are commonly called capital sins.
The sins, for those who need a Sunday school refresher, are anger, jealousy, greed, lust, pride, sloth and gluttony. WalletHub looked at 54 metrics to measure the “sinfulness” of each state ...
The album's namesake, Polari, is a set of a few hundred words and phrases that was adopted by gay men as a way of speaking in ...
All of it makes me so damn proud to be an American. We saved millions of history’s most desperate people, the huddled masses, ...