or pemphigus foliaceus (26.4%). Patients received infusions of rituximab on days 1 and 14, combined with short-term prednisone. Of the 77 patients who achieved complete remission (CR) at 6 months ...
Pemphigus is divided into two major subtypes: pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus. Oral corticosteroids are the primary treatment modality for pemphigus, while other therapeutic options ...
Pemphigus encompasses a heterogeneous group of autoimmune blistering diseases, which affect both mucous membranes and the skin. The disease usually runs a chronic-relapsing course, with a potentially ...
What do you wonder? By The Learning Network A new collection of graphs, maps and charts organized by topic and type from our “What’s Going On in This Graph?” feature. By The Learning ...
The basis of social learning theory is simple: People learn by watching other people. We can learn from anyone—teachers, parents, siblings, peers, co-workers, YouTube influencers, athletes ...
The Big Bang Theory explains how the universe began. The Big Bang Theory stands as the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of the universe. According to this theory, the universe began ...
However, factors like market crashes or difficult regulations could invalidate this bullish theory. To support its web3 ecosystem for developing decentralized applications, The Graph Network ...
Just paste the following URL in your profile readme and you are good to go. bg_color card's background color hex code (without #) color graph card's text color hex code (without #) title_color graph ...
Integrate the Microsoft Graph API into your .NET project! The Microsoft Graph .NET Core Client Library contains core classes and interfaces used by Microsoft.Graph Client Library to send native HTTP ...
Cytotoxic interface dermatitis (CID) is a cutaneous immunological reaction at the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ) (1). The mononuclear cell-rich infiltrate (usually lymphocytic) may obscure the DEJ (2 ...
Persistent Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=6731005 ...