If you’re in a bind and need money quickly, a payday loan might be on your radar. These are short-term, high-interest loans ...
Payday lenders took in $2.4 billion in fees from cash-strapped consumers in a single year, a report from the Center for ...
It’s become increasingly common for high-cost payday lenders to attach various “fees” to loans provided to borrowers and ...
Fair and responsible lending can be a valuable tool; predatory lending that traps borrowers in an expensive debt trap is not.
In that case, you may want to reach for an online payday loan. A payday loan is a short-term loan from an online money service that debits the loan directly into your account. It’s meant to ...
Ordinary Russians are resorting to desperate measures as they struggle to raise cash to fund their shopping bills and living ...
Lehi police are searching for victims of fraud after a months long investigation revealed an independent financial advisor ...
Their proposal to cap credit card interest at 10 percent is supposed to shield people from "exploitative" borrowing costs.
Zack Fenech is a professional finance writer from Toronto. He is passionate about demystifying complex finance topics and making them digestible and easy to follow for the average Canadian.