Sometimes words fall hopelessly short. This might explain the silences between the two botanists as their vehicle crunches ...
From the glaciers in Patagonia to the sand dunes in Namibia, here are 57 gorgeous photos of the last unspoiled places on Earth – and the practical details that will get you there.
How deep is the Big Hole in Kimberley? When it was initially excavated, it reportedly was about 790 feet deep before debris partially filled the hole.
The country has common boundaries with Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe ... dispersed towns – lies in the heart of South Africa. Between the Vaal River in the north and the Orange River in the south, ...
Pancontinental is looking to secure an alternate farm-in partner after notification from Woodside of its election not to exercise its farm-in option.
Couldn't resolve component "default" at "/:pathMatch (.*)?/:lcsId ( [0-9]\- [0-9]\- [0-9]+| [0-9]- [0-9]- [0-9]+PT [0-9]+)" ...
Custos Energy on Tuesday announced another significant oil discovery off the coast of Namibia, further cementing the country's Orange Basin as a promising new frontier for hydrocarbon exploration ...
Wildlife photographer Dan Krieger captured a rare orange alligator in Little River, South Carolina. These alligators undergo brumation during the winter, which stains their scales an unusual ...
Scenes from Laguna Beach’s premier novelty wave, the Aliso Creek river wave, show a recent torrent of water, rushing from the reservoir into the ocean, and creating some of the largest rideable ...
The assessment determined that there are 47 million bbl of oil and 876 bcf of gas technically recoverable resources in upper Paleozoic reservoirs of Wind River basin, Bighorn basin, and Powder ...