Dagens politiske morgenpost: Statsministeren deler gratis popcorn ud, politisk kommentator spår et muligt forårsvalg, og Alex ...
Det har hun aldrig nogensinde sagt før, som Peter Viggo Jakobsen, lektor ved Forsvarsakademiet ... Meget tyder på, at der er valg i luften, lød det fra politisk kommentator Noa Redington – og i lyset ...
The trading arm of private energy company NOA is gearing up to supply wheeled renewable electricity to multiple customers in South Africa following the National Energy Regulator of South Africa ...
Freed hostage Noa Argamani said she has been unable to return to her life as she knew it after her time in Hamas captivity in a recent Instagram story post. “I can’t describe to you in words ...
"The appearance of former hostage Noa Argamani before the UN Security Council was a testimony to this young woman's extraordinary courage and selflessness. But the saddest part of watching the ...
Den sikkerhedspolitiske situation i Europa er under hastig og dramatisk forandring efter Trumps indsættelse som præsident.
Noa Dalzell is a senior WNBA writer for SB Nation. Based in Boston and frequently attending Connecticut Sun games, she is particularly focused on off-court storylines and player features that help ...
World No. 53 Letshanaa will take on Denmark’s Line Christophersen in the first round in Mulheim today after the latter’s teammate Julie Dawall Jakobsen withdrew from the tournament.
En tid, hvor russerne ikke interesserede sig for at ødelægge ting i Danmark, fortæller Peter Viggo Jakobsen, lektor ved Forsvarsakademiet. - Tidligere var russerne hammerligeglade med, at der lå en ...
The survivor’s guilt-stricken remaining employees of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are trying to “pick up the pieces” and figure out how to continue delivering life ...