Soil samples collected in North Dakota wheat fields indicate the lowest populations of overwintering wheat midge larvae ...
The Antarctic midge is the only insect native to Antarctica, surviving extreme cold through a unique combination of dormancy ...
About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimize reproduction, making pollination one of ...
The Antarctic midge larvae usually grow to their second instar by the first winter and undergo quiescence so that they can quickly resume development at any moment when it suddenly becomes warmer.
Learn how this midge has a unique strategy for surviving what most organisms couldn’t.
About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimise reproduction, making pollination one of nature's most important ...
For streams and rivers that experience high, off-colored water, catching the clear water when the ice recedes is prime time ...
Sturgeon are bottom feeders, and Big Stone Lake offers abundant numbers of blood worms, which are the larvae of midges or lake flies. Snails, mussels and crayfish are also food sources. Dissections of ...
Climate change poses a major well-known risk to cacao production. But a new study finds that low pollination is also limiting ...
Haley Catton, a research scientist with Agriculture Canada in Lethbridge, says producers need to focus on conserving beneficial insects while simultaneously managing pest insects.