Regardless of the type or number of loans a student takes out, the maximum annual loan amount is capped at the cost of attendance, or COA, at the student's college or university. For two-year and ...
However, the IRS has strict rules for who can claim the deduction, and not everyone qualifies for the maximum amount. So, how much student loan interest — if any — can you deduct this year?
House Republicans are floating a proposal to limit eligibility for a key federal student loan forgiveness program intended to ...
If you paid interest on your student loan debt in 2024, you may be able to deduct up to $2,500 from your taxable income.
Loan amounts available: $2,001** up to total cost of attendance, to a maximum of $400,000 (aggregate) Eligibility: Student borrowers with no credit history can qualify with a creditworthy co-signer.
People preparing to file taxes for the 2024 tax year may be eligible to claim a student loan tax deduction for interest payments.
Discover an in-depth review of Navy Federal Credit Union student loans, including rates, benefits, and drawbacks. Find out if ...
The minimum private student loan is $1,000. The maximum amounts are $125,000 for undergraduate degrees, $175,000 for graduate, MBA or law degrees and $500,000 for graduate health profession degrees.