Around 25 per cent of adults in Scotland own a dog, according to Statista, but the responsibility does not come without its ...
Each year across Ohio, dangerous dogs attack, maim and sometimes kill people. State law does little to hold owners ...
Gundog and Scruffts finalists will be revealed today as thousands of pooches battle it out in the arena. Scruffts ...
Popular large dog breeds include Bernese mountain dogs, greyhounds, and mastiffs. An appropriately ... such as fracturing their teeth, when confined to a heavy-duty crate. The kennel is admittedly ...
In February 2014, two mixed-Mastiff dogs savagely attacked Richey ... that's when I saw her whole right-side jawline, I saw her teeth, her jawbone. Everything was exposed and she was covered ...
And even if a greatly diffident Great Dane or massively mellow mastiff could read – he or ... Sutton sunk his teeth into this subject and simply would not let it go. His petition asked the ...
Mauling victims have called for the threatening breed, also known as Pakistani mastiffs, to be outlawed ... latched on' to the schoolgirl and sank its teeth into her arm. The girl was rescued ...