The Caldecott winner sketched his first drawings as a young Polish Jew fleeing the Nazis and grew up to become an acclaimed ...
Coming up: the Frick Collection's reopening, a dazzling exhibit in the Guggenheim's rotunda, a spotlight on Brooklyn artists, a feature on Jane Austen and lots more.
Wilson Yates, President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Religion, Society, and the Arts This tenure-track, endowed ...
The brutal, ketamine-fuelled killing of a public schoolboy shocked the world. In our new true-crime podcast, we tell the real ...
Sidling along the Seine, the Shakespeare & Co. Bookstore is a cozy shop stacked with books that is hugely popular ... as well as the French artists Marc Chagall and Marcel Duchamp.
Careless People has plenty of scandal. It also portrays Facebook’s larger-than-life executives as flawed, awkward, and ...
The invaluable bond between artist and muse is exemplified by their abstracted slumbering embrace, her nude form dominating our gaze as her rosy flesh juxtaposes with ...
JERUSALEM (AP) — An American biochemist whose research has helped scientists make inroads into treating coronavirus and HIV ...
The goal here is to raise environmental awareness. Meanwhile, for its 50th anniversary, Nice’s Musée national Marc Chagall last year invited creators from various disciplines to draw ...