Holding my beautiful baby boy for the first time, I didn’t yet fully understand what a C-section would mean for my physical ...
“If you’re doing an abdominal series the ankle weights add on an extra bit of resistance which challenges your abdominals ...
Transform your lower body with these 4 powerful squat variations from an ACE-certified trainer. Simple exercises that target ...
Both Dr. Hassan and Dr. Fata-Chan offer lunges as an example of a classic stretch that targets the hip flexors directly.
Physical therapy can help relieve sciatica pain through a variety of techniques, including manual therapy, pain-relieving ...
Donkey kicks are great for both stability and toning, Ray says. They target your gluteus maximus—the largest of your three glutes muscles, and the bulk of your booty. They also work your core and ...
Strengthen your core and improve pelvic stability with the lying pelvic tilt. A staple in any beginners program. This simple yet effective move is perfect for postpartum rehab, reducing back pain, and ...
Stand behind a chair, holding on with both hands. Lift one leg off the ground, bending the lifted knee toward your chest, and stand on one leg for five seconds. Stand with feet hip distance apart ...
Quick flick Kegels, marches, heel slides, Happy Baby Pose, and diaphragmatic breathing are five exercises that help ... upon sneezing or coughing. Begin by lying on the floor with your knees ...
“It is a great series for gently strengthening the core for people who experience back pain in other exercises.” The side lying series includes several moves, like leg lifts, clams ...
Anterior tibialis exercises can help correct "foot drop," a condition that can lead to an abnormal high-stepping gait. The most common causes of foot drop are peroneal nerve injury and lumbar ...
Lying flat is still safe during this time ... Prop your torso up with your forearm. Lift your top leg toward the ceiling in a slow and controlled movement. Point your toes to fully engage the ...