Ebola is rare, deadly and has multiple variations. There is a vaccine for the Zaire type, now trials for another are underway ...
Six species of the virus are known to cause disease in humans -- Zaire, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Reston, Tai Forest and Bombali.
Many schools, like this one originally built by USAID, are being converted to Ebola centers. Here, a Liberian man suffering from Ebola has fallen in the ward and was knocked unconscious.
I was head of the U.S. Agency for International Development from 1999 to 2001. Before that, I lived and worked in East Africa ...
Following the confirmation of an Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in Uganda, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and ...
Workers at Firestone's rubber farm in Liberia say that extracting natural rubber comes with a high human cost.
In a bid to prevent a recurrence of the deadly Ebola virus, which was brought into Nigeria in 2014 by a Liberian national, the federal government yesterday announced that except for essential services ...
The worst-ever Ebola outbreak began in December 2013 in southern Guinea before spreading to two neighbouring west African countries, Liberia and Sierra Leone. More than 11,300 people were killed ...
President Obama is sending military personnel and $750 million to Liberia and other Ebola-afflicted countries in West Africa. At this point, such aid might offer the only hope of containing this ...
MOSCOW, RUSSIA | TASS | Russian specialists are engaged in consultations aimed at preventing Ebola outbreaks in Uganda, ...
With support from the African Population and Health Research Center, Sister Aid Liberia has initiated a critical dialogue ... bill's significance in addressing emerging health threats such as Ebola, ...
Trump’s decision to suspend US foreign aid has disrupted essential health, education, and humanitarian programs across Africa - Anadolu Ajansı ...