If you're looking to pick up some new outdoor gear or apparel for less, the REI sale section can't be beat. Here are the best ...
Snag the shoe reviewers call “an absolute game-changer,” before the deal ends! The slip-in sneakers, which have over 6,800 five-star ratings, feel like “walking on a cloud,” according to shoppers.
The New Balance Fresh Foam X Hierro v9 brings the comfort of cushioned road running shoes to the trails, and is still stable ...
It turns out that with Apple Maps, you can’t plot a route just anywhere – if there are no existing paths where you want to go ...
We tested the best winter hiking boots from KEEN, Oboz, Salomon, Lowa, and more to help you find the best option for your ...
Wide toe box shoes can alleviate pain and help to prevent bunions and cramped feet. Podiatrists recommend wide toe box shoes ...
With over 50,000 kilometres of well-signposted trails, Austria offers everything from gentle lakeside walks to high-alpine ...
Dr. Daughtry says shoes with rocker bottom soles (meaning they curve upward at the toes and heels, like a rocking chair) can ...
The Flagship GTX is a no-compromise off-road winter shoe that's packed with high-end features, the winter boot Achilles heel ...
Walking yoga is the next must-try workout for women looking to boost their health. Is it worth doing? Health Writer Susan ...
These soft and insulating camping slippers strike an even balance between comfort and underfoot protection, with a cozy body ...
Here’s how it works. The best trail running shoes have more grip and support than standard running shoes for when you want to escape the city sidewalks and explore the trails instead.