If you're looking to pick up some new outdoor gear or apparel for less, the REI sale section can't be beat. Here are the best ...
We tested the best winter hiking boots from KEEN, Oboz, Salomon, Lowa, and more to help you find the best option for your ...
CloudTec Phase makes the Cloudsurfer 2 look a little different from older On shoes, but fans of the aesthetic won't be ...
According to my Fitbit I walked over 110 miles in 8 days with these bad boys on,” wrote a reviewer of one pair on our list.
Much like the best lightweight hiking boots and shoes, they use technical features to give that locked-in feel – clever lace ...
We take to the trails in the Merrell Moab Speed 2 Vent 2K 1TRL to try to work out if it’s a trail runner or a hiker, and ...
Adding insult to injury, it’s theorized that bunions are an entirely genetic affliction — meaning for some, avoiding high ...
Olivia Attwood recently attended the a fashion show in New York City, and looked ever the style icon in a vintage-inspired ...
TV starlet Olivia Attwood recently attended a L’Agence fashion show in New York City in a chic all-black look you can still shop in all sizes ...
The Danner Mountain 600 Evo is a modern take on a much-loved hiking boot, incorporating premium materials and new tech while ...
If there's one piece of workout kit that has undoubtedly earned its cost-per-wear in my wardrobe, it's the best yoga flares.