Alaska legislative leaders say Gov. Mike Dunleavy's plan to establish a state agriculture department could be rejected as ...
A small crowd of about 20 protesters clad in raincoats raised their voices in front of the marble pillars of Juneau's Capitol Building on Friday.
A January hearing in Juneau was a snapshot of how pretrial delays have affected Alaska courts: victims, witnesses and ...
Empire Archives is a series printed every Saturday featuring a short compilation of headline stories in the Juneau Empire ...
British Columbia Premier David Eby said Thursday that he intends to introduce legislation that would place tolls on ...
Gov. Mike Dunleavy has signed legislation approving a bond package for the Alaska Railroad to build a new cruise ship dock in ...
An Alaska House panel on Wednesday advanced an education measure with a reduced school funding boost and education reforms to ...
There was no doubt who was the best girls team in Southeast Alaska this year, and Juneau-Douglas Kale confirmed it ...
The plan would allow skilled trail workers to continue their work this summer, after half of the U.S. Forest Service trail ...