CELLAR rape monster Josef Fritzl is demanding a divorce from his wife. Fritzl, serving life for keeping a secret family of seven children in his basement, has previously claimed to have written to ...
An ex-girlfriend of a trucker dubbed the Czech Josef Fritzl who allegedly chained up and tortured a woman for three months has revealed the sexual depravities she was forced to endure while she ...
Berlin. Der heute 89-jährige Josef Fritzl hielt seine Tochter über Jahre gefangen. Heute ist er im Gefängnis, sie in Freiheit. Wie lebt sie jetzt? Josef Fritzl quälte seine Tochter über 24 ...
The woman finally managed to escape the Josef Fritzl-like hell at around 3am on February 16 and woke up neighbours to beg them for help. 'She had no hair and a thick chain with a huge lock ...
Der als „Monster von Amstetten“ bekannt gewordene Inzest-Täter Josef Fritzl darf vom Maßnahmenvollzug in den Normalvollzug wechseln. Das hat ein Senat aus drei Richtern am Landgericht Krems ...
From the first page of ‘The Paris Express’ we are taken into a world of glamour, danger and chaos. It is proof of Donoghue’s ...
The girl's case appears to echo that of Elisabeth Fritzl who was abused by her evil father Josef for years in his cellar in Austria. THE twisted dad asks his daughter Elisabeth to help him install ...
Her ordeal appears to echo that of Elisabeth Fritzl who was abused by her evil father Josef for years in his cellar in Austria. Karel N has since been arrested and reportedly knew the victim.
Das mutmaßlich erste Opfer des Tschechien-Fritzl spricht jetzt über das, was der Mann ihr angetan haben soll. Die Frau nennt grausame Details und erklärt, wie sie es geschafft hat, zu entkommen.