The Skelton boys — Andrew, 9, Alexander, 7, and Tanner, 5, were last seen in November 2010 in their father’s Morenci, Mich., ...
Chapter 4 and the increasing age of franchise star Keanu Reeves, the prospect of a fifth film in the main franchise ...
Tennessee became the first state in the country a hundred years ago to ban the teaching of evolution in public school ...
John Calipari told Arkansas point Johnell Davis to miss a free throw on purpose while up by three points with less than three ...
The black-and-white thinking in our politics brings to mind a skill that the state of Texas requires me to teach my college ...
New Palestine Bible Church will host food trucks and a guest speaker April 8 for the solar eclipse. Services take place Sunday unless otherwise noted. The church is located at 1202 E. Fifth St.
John Wycliffe, a dissentient priest, translated the Bible into English ... himself burned at the stake for being a Unitarian. [5] In those days it was common practice on both sides to burn ...
A judge in Michigan has declared dead three siblings who disappeared more than a decade ago after going to spend Thanksgiving ...
Dr. Greg Carey will present “DEI: What It Is, Why People Are Out to End It, and Why It Matters” at Theology With a Twist on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Kutztown Tavern, 272 W. Main St., Kutztown.
A new lawsuit accuses Myrtle Beach pastors John-Paul "JP" Miller and his father Wayne Miller of hiding sexual abuse. JP is ...
During Lent many Christians use the time to fast something. This is the story ...
Students at St. John Paul II High School received their ashes and are dedicating themselves to prayer and Bible reading for Lent season.