When those of us who knew Joe Lieberman gather, we always express the wish that there were more leaders like him in today’s ...
F ormer Vice President Al Gore and other politician dignitaries remembered the late Joe Lieberman Friday as a “mensch” who both bridged partisan political divides and wasn’t afraid to go ...
(JTA) — Alison Sharaf, a staffer for Sen. Joe Lieberman in 2000, remembers the moment she heard that he would be making history. Sharaf, then a manager in Lieberman’s Hartford office ...
La., weigh in on the odds of a government shutdown and discuss former Independent Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman's legacy on ...
The late senator embodied a consensus of militarism and plutocracy. The many eulogists of Joe Lieberman, who died Wednesday at age 82, are leaning heavily into two words: bipartisanship and morality.
Discover the story of Joe Lieberman, a leader who upheld bipartisanship and Jewish values, in a new documentary premiering March 18 and 19. Joe was a man of deep integrity who dedicated his life ...
(WFSB) – Former Connecticut Senator and vice presidential nominee Joe Lieberman died at 82. The Congressman passed away due to complications from a fall, according to his family. Gov. Lamont has ...
Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (Conn.), who became the first Jewish vice-presidential candidate of a major party when Al Gore selected him as his running mate in the 2000 election, has died at age 82.
STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) - The late Joe Lieberman on Friday was remembered by political allies and even a former foe as a "mensch" who both bridged and defied partisan political divides, during a ...
Centered: Joe Lieberman Movie Poster Senator Joe Lieberman and President George W. Bush exit the Presidential Limousine. Sen. Lieber ...
A lifestyle magazine for the Hudson Valley and Catskills with the latest news on arts and cultural events, new restaurants, ...
These tables list the top donors to candidates in the 2005 - 2010 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual ...